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The world's first lab-grown beef burger is unveiled in London on Aug. 5, 2013.
David Parry/AFP/Press Association
The world’s first lab-grown beef burger is unveiled in London on Aug. 5, 2013.

Is meat really authoritarian? That’s overcooked

Gov. Ron DeSantis shook his woke repelling Magic 8 Ball to generate this beauty, “Florida is fighting back against the global elite’s plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri-dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals.” (“DeSantis sticks a fork into making or selling lab meat in Florida,” May 2) I’m not sure how an alternative food source achieves authoritarian goals unless it springs from the bun to subjugate unsuspecting diners. There are legitimate concerns with this type of product, ranging from food safety to the impact on ranchers and their supply chain. However, fearmongering serves no legitimate purpose other than to throw red meat to the base (and you can bet it will be from a proud American cow).

Eric Bennett Windermere

Vote should reflect consent of the governed

The opinion defending Americans’ current state of representation and defending the Electoral College lacks perspective and is just another diatribe to keep the status quo. In fact, far from taking rights from and granting them to rural and city folks, the current state of minority rule lacks the consent of the governed. While minority rights must always be protected, we live in a time fraught with anger from the majority of people who are being forced into a box created by the minority. From the courts to the presidency to a dysfunctional Congress to the states, we are questioning the legitimacy of our government.  Our Constitution has been amended 27 times in our history, and it is time to amend it again. Members of Congress win their seats by majority vote, not some kind of antiquated state “electors.” The same should be true of the presidency.

If our presidential candidates want to win elections, let them win by persuading us in the marketplace of ideas that a majority of voters should give them a shot to perform in the best interest of the country.

Collin Braynard Maitland

Could Trump conviction spark tax fraud?

Everyone continues to call Donald Trump’s current trial the “hush money trial.” I prefer to call it a “tax fraud trial” because, if convicted, it means he seemingly converted a personal, non-deductible expense into a deductible business expense. That is tax fraud and conviction carries a serious penalty. Where is the IRS on this issue?

George Rose South Daytona

If Trump wins, democracy is dead

Suppose Trump is elected in 2024. Do you think this will be enough for him? No way. he will find a way to be president for life and pass it on to his sons or daughters. Wake up people. Democracy is dead with the election of Trump as president.

W.M. Hilliard Clermont